Warner Bros. Pictures
Warner Bros. Pictures
If reflecting on the trauma that something like war can cause, the vast majority of us would understandably think about the people who spend their time on the battlefields. While that is a logical thing to do since we’re human ourselves, Max paints a picture that includes the military dogs who are also placed under the same dire circumstances. It’s …
It’s important that expectations be tempered with Jurassic World and understand that the likelihood of it being anywhere near as great as Jurassic Park are slim. The reason? Expecting depth and great quality across all facets of any particular film these days is asking for more than what anybody seems to want to give. Honestly, I was just hoping that …
Throughout the run time of the new George Clooney vehicle I kept waiting for a moment that would strike a chord with me. For a movie with an abundance of imagination, a creative eye backing it and a message about dreamers, Tomorrowland falls unfortunately flat in momentum and intrigue. The film is built on big ideas and carried out with …
CINEMATIC ESSENTIAL is offering you a chance to attend Boston’s advance screening of Warner Bros. …