There are so many movies that come out these days that are nothing more than repetitive and uninspiring renditions of features we’ve already seen before.
There are so many movies that come out these days that are nothing more than repetitive and uninspiring renditions of features we’ve already seen before.
From what we’ve been told for a while now, war appears to be about money more than anything else in most instances. That certainly brings into question
Respect for other people and their beliefs is something that we shouldn’t have to talk about as adults.
Since humans from every walk of life tend to only view things from their perspective, I guess it’s normal for movies to want to tell us as viewers how to feel, think and behave.
With Batman V. Superman being as underwhelming as it is, it’s important for DC’s cinematic universe to get things moving in the right direction as quickly as possible.
CINEMATIC ESSENTIAL is offering you a chance to attend Boston’s advance screening of Warner Bros. …